Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First week in the field

Christy and I are working with 4th graders in Mr. Bunkers class. It's been a lot of fun! Mr. Bunker has very good management skills and he is never demeaning to any of his students. He shows respect to them and in return they show him respect. Right now they are working on a research paper on Native American Indians. They have been writing down information on sticky notes and putting them in a little booklet under the correct label (dwellings, food, tribal government).
It's been a good experiences and I've been learning so much more in the actual classroom. And it beats college for sure! :)

1 comment:

Lora Cunico said...

Kara, I am so glad that it is going well for you. I know you will do great at teaching. You have such a kind and caring way about you. You're right, being in the classroom beats college anyday! Good-Luck with your lesson plans. See you in a couple weeks.

States and Capitals

Parts of the Brain